So we’re now into the final month of this collaboration and what a journey it’s been! I have learnt so much and it’s definitely helped my own wellbeing. The feedback has been wonderful. One participant said: ‘I have to thank @drlucykelly and @martynreah for the absolute gift that is [the Diary Toolkit]. If you get a chance to be involved in this in the future, do not hesitate. It’s an absolute life raft and place of sanctuary for me right now’ (RtD/Teacher5aday pilot, 2020).
During this phase we’ve worked with around 65 teachers from across the country, with different levels of experience and from different backgrounds. Each participant was provided with a PDF of the Diary Toolkit and, for the first month, repeated the same 7 activities in our ‘blanket’ Toolkit. This gave the participants the opportunity to get to know the Toolkit and to think about those activities they liked, as well as those they didn’t. The Transition and Reflection stages were also part of the Toolkit.
After the participants had used this ‘blanket’ version, I then asked them to step back and consider those activities that resonated with them the most and had the most impact on their wellbeing, and to use these to create their custom-made Toolkit. Participants used this for a month and then had an opportunity to assess whether or not this customised version was working for them and, if needed to customise it further.
Alongside the Diary Toolkit component, participants have been invited to monthly CPD, organised by Martyn Reah. These sessions have featured wellbeing ‘experts’, including Patrick Ottley-O’Connor, Julie Hunter, Abbie Mann and Dr Sue Roffey. It’s been great to have an opportunity to ‘come together’ as a community and reflect on different elements of wellbeing and to use this to refocus our own wellbeing journey.
I’ve been collecting data along the way – monthly mini wellbeing check-ins (using the Edbinburgh-Warwick framework) followed by a detailed survey at the end of the programme – so it will be interesting to see what impact the Diary Toolkit and a bespoke wellbeing CPD programme have had on teacher wellbeing.
We’re excited to be running this programme again next year, with funding from Bupa for 70 physical Diary Toolkits, so watch this space!
Twitter feedback on the ‘Reimagining the Diary’ and Teacher5aday collaboration project:
#diarytoolkit I really enjoyed writing my affirmation today. If everything I would like to do is because I think it will make me happy, why not be happy now? @drlucykelly@teacher5aday
I nominate @drlucykelly and @MartynReahfor their leadership of #DiaryToolkit and #teacher5aday
Monkey Mind in full chatter this morn, insisting on reasons why I should NOT run (out 3times already; busy day; cold, dark & wet..but thought of my #diarytoolkit #exercise #pledge & got my run done…naturally, #wellbeing significantly improved. Monkey really doesn’t know best!
Being involved in the #diarytoolkit project has been really enlightening. Listening to @MsHMFL& @ottleyoconnor talking about schools run with well-being at the core of everything was inspiring & really uplifting. And to be referred to as ‘my Mary’ by Pat made my week!
My timetable is rammed til Weds midday & I notice this too. I have found some I interesting benefits from #diarytoolkit. For example, the transition activity is really key for me & I use these activities at other times to have a ‘quick fix’. Loving it!
I really enjoyed the 2nd #teacher5aday #diarytoolkit CPD with @drlucykelly @MsHMFL & @MartynReah Great conversations about all things staff mental health & wellbeing with a superb group of teachers & leaders, who are prioritising self-care & care of others!
@drlucykelly @MartynReah #diarytoolkit I am now conflicted. Do I stick to the transitions and activities that are comfortable or do I mix it up so that it pushes me more? At the start of the project I was unsure about some ‘tools’ but now value them. Food for thought. Love it!
So much to #learn from my own #wellbeing reflection working the #diarytoolkit ….I would be happy and grateful for that but tonight’s CPD was excellent-inspiring to hear what is possible in schools when staff #wellbeing is a leadership priority!
Wow what an hour! Well 50mins as I missed the 1st 10 rushing to get home!
@ottleyoconnor@drlucykelly@teacher5aday@MsHMFL thank you so much!
A really busy week (12-14 hour days ) feeling a little overwhelmed with my to do list but a relaxing Saturday with my diary writing and renewed energy with a positive affirmation this morning. Colouring is very relaxing. Thanks #diarytoolkit @drlucykelly @teacher5aday
Finished sewing a top that I started making in the summer holidays. Sewing never fails to ease my nerves. Going to leave the sewing machine out & ready so I can just dip in & out with little projects. Learnt a few new techniques in the process. @teacher5aday@drlucykelly#Learn
Two weeks into prioritising well-being and my #teacher5aday #pledge. I am well and I am thankful for that. @drlucykelly@MartynReah@teacher5aday
Perfect time to reflect on ‘balance’. I’m keeping these traffic light leaves in my #ReimaginingTheDiary kit, as a reminder that sometimes we need to stop, sometimes we need to pause, & sometimes we need to go for it! #teacher5aday #notice
I love this! Am going to look out for some leaves of my own to add to my diary when I head to pick up my daughter from school. It’s great how being in the #diarytoolkit project is bringing ways to #connect between diaries too
I have to thank @drlucykelly& @MartynReahfor the absolute gift that is ‘Reinmagining the diary’. If you get chance to be involved in this in the future, do not hesitate. It’s an absolute life raft & place of sanctuary for me right now. @teacher5aday #Notice #SelfCareIsVital
I’m thoroughly enjoying it too! I have missed a day or two – but have got back into the swing of things yesterday evening. #SelfCareVitals #GetThoseMultivitamins
Enjoyed story boarding today. I couldn’t think of 1 event so drew 4 things that gave me joy in my Reception class today. Reminders it’s a great job. @drlucykelly@MartynReah #diarytoolkit
Made a lot of progress on my #teacher5aday today – shared my wellbeing pledge with staff in our weekly bulletin for tomorrow and renewed my @Headspace educator subscription. My “reimagining the diary” will be a vital help in my first term as Principal @drlucykelly@MartynReah
I have really enjoyed being able to reflect on the positives and understand areas where I can grow and explore those so the tension I was expecting has been dissipating each day
I completed the Thursday activity for 8 days and found it really levelled my mood. It was useful to see that although some days are very work heavy, over the course of a week there is balance #diarytoolkit
Week 1 Reflection #diarytoolkit #3goodthings 1. 7 consecutive days of #wellbeing diary work feels good, the completion bit & the positive impact & action. 2. Ive pushed myself to #learn new methods of reflection #mayfly 3. #exercise 5 runs completed as foot injury heals.
I’m enjoying the different ways of reflecting too…it’s an interesting process!
Really enjoyed tonight’s free drawing while listening to @drchatterjeeuk and the focusing on my wellbeing @drlucykelly @teacher5aday #diarytoolkit It was only after I linked the meaning of the charm I drew with the podcast- thank you
It’s been a busy week at home and at work but #diarytoolkit has given me the chance to reflect on small changes for positive impact #teacher5aday @drlucykelly@MartynReah
#ReimaginingTheDiary project is helping me to reflect on using time efficiently. Decided to ‘eat the frog’ this morning & get some more writing done. Result! #phdlife#amwriting @drlucykelly
Completed my #diarytoolkit tonight using the Mayfly sound app and loved it. Really helped me to reflect about today and plan for tomorrow @MartynReah@drlucykelly
Sounds like a great idea and led me to reading @drlucykellyetal’s interesting article “In our daily struggles”. I keep a thankfulness diary that I write in at the end of each day. It’s designed with 3 years to a page so I can look back on what was going on last year. Love it.
I really enjoyed the free writing yesterday even though I didn’t get chance to do it till just before bed. Today I made sure to do my picture board when I got home and it was surprisingly enjoyable. Even with stick people! @teacher5aday@drlucykelly
#diarytoolkit #teacher5aday It was a real test yesterday as to whether I could/would complete tasks. Busy at work & quite draining. Transition was observing, which was lovely. I stood at my kitchen window and watched my garden. Free Writing. Cathartic! @drlucykelly @martynreah
It’s my fourth day writing as a part of the ‘Reimagining the Diary’ with @drlucykelly and @MartynReah, I’m getting in the swing of free writing regularly and am loving the process of writing more cathartically every day! I’ve also enjoyed storyboarding the successes of the week!
As someone who loves reading books about well being, but don’t often take time to put it into practice I am excited to be part of #diarytoolkit .
It’s been really helpful to reflect tonight after stopping working at 8pm #DiaryToolkit has reminded me of nicer times earlier today with the family #connect before I got worried by work. I lead a fab team so my pledge is going to be about empowering and trusting them, thankyou
Thankyou @drlucykellyfor helping me reflect. Wow. Your words resonate with me. I’ve always run myself ragged on Sunday nights and I have to stop. I’m going to do 20 minutes more then stop because as you say the list will never end. Tomorrow I’ll talk to my team for help.
Am so excited to be part of this wonderful pilot programme led by @drlucykelly and @MartynReah@teacher5aday#Teacher5aDay #SelfCareIsVital #Reflect #ReinventingTheDiary
Have been putting it off all day, but finally got round to making a start on #RethinkingTheDiary project…And it was actually pretty fun! Thanks @drlucykelly& @MartynReahfor enabling the first step.
After the #teacherdiary launch, and listening to @MartynReah and @drlucykelly, I have my 50p ready to put on my desk. My well-being & student well-being are 2 sides of the same coin. Love this portable reminder!
I have had really high quality professional learning about supporting the wellbeing of my young people that’s included 1 slide and 3 or 4 sentences on the importance of looking after my wellbeing and gone no further. It feels really good to have landed in the #diarytoolkit… …project where the launch offered high quality professional learning from @drlucykellyand @MartynReah, investing fully in how I support my own wellbeing, with the brief, important acknowledgement that in doing this I’ll be investing in the wellbeing of my young people… … I need this investment in creative, community building professional learning about wellbeing (which honours the way this is both a collective necessity and needs to be bespoke and individual). I’m 11 years into this profession and intend to retire from it who knows when…To sustain the multidimensional work we’re called to do – pedagogical, relational, organisational and more – I’ve had to learn and keep learning about myself in an equally multidimensional way. I’m thankful for the #diarytoolkit offering space to stay invested in this now. I’m feeling all the appreciation for you both finding the commitment and energy over the summer to pull this phase project together. Thank you. I hope that it gives back to you both too.
Already learning so much from the #diarytoolkit project…great introductory session from @teacher5adayand @drlucykellythis evening…and now podcast recommendations, brilliant!!